
Sync ERP includes a robust system for creating your points of measure, setting multiple sample sizes, and assigning sizes to a sample size. You can create your grading as a template, duplicate from an existing product, or create individual points of measure to a product from scratch.

Your grading is utilized in Sync both for the Tech Pack and your Quality Audits / Sample and Fit Check system.

Creating Your Points of Measure

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  1. Navigate to Administration -> QA Specifications
  2. Click on + Add Module to create a main category for your points of measure.
    • You can have multiple main categories depending on your needs and complexity.
    • Most accounts will start with just a single main category and then add additional main categories over time.
  3. Click on Add Sub Module to create the specific sub category your points of measure will exist in.
    • We have sub categories to help easily identify specific points of measure for specific types of garments.
    • This ultimately is to assist you finding the correct points of measure for the type of garment you are grading.
  4. Within the Sub Module click the + button to add a specific point of measure.
    • All points of measure require a Code and a Description
    • You will have an additional text field on each point of measure when added to a specific garment for additional information

Creating Your Grading Templates

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  1.  Navigate to Administration -> QA Templates
  2. Click on the + button to create a new template
    • The Name and Style can be identical or different based on your needs. These are used to help you organize more complex templates.
    • You can add Special Instructions and a Comment to each template which will also appear when applying a template to a specific product
  3. With the template selected click the + button and add the appliable points of measure for the template
    • You can select all, some, or single points of measure from a measurement sub category
    • You can add points of measure from multiple sub categories to a single template
  4. Once your points of measure are added you now have an additional Description field and Tolerance for each measurement
    • The Description and Tolerance can also be edited when applying a template to a specific product
  5. Click on the Add Size icon to select the sizes that will be used for grading
  6. With the sizes created, you can right click on the specific sizes that will be marked as your sample size by clicking on Set As Sample Size
    • You can have multiple sample sizes for more complex size curve grading
    • If you need to remove a set sample size click on Clear Sample Size
    • For a single sample size you can click on Assign To All to assign all sizes to that sample size
  7. When working with multiple sample sizes you can select a size and click on Assign To Sample Size to select the correct sample size it should be applied to
  8. When applying actual grading your sample sizes are the actual measurement and the adjacent sizes are the differences in value from the size against the sample size or next to it.
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    • The easiest way to understand this is to click on the Absolute Values button which allows you to see the actual size for that point of measure on that size but also what the difference (variance value) is next to the adjoining size.
    • Just like the Description and Tolerance the sample size and additional size values can all be adjusted when applied directly to a product.
    • You must assign at least one sample size to a template in order for the template to be made available to apply against a product.
    • Actual values for a sample size or the individual sizes are not required to apply a template to a product


Adding / Modifying a Grading Template to a Specific Product

  1. From Product Costing click on the Details button and select the Measurements tab
    • The Add Existing menu will allow you to select a template (Add From Template) or add from an existing product (Add From Job)
      • Adding from a template

      • Adding from a job
        • Only products with measurements applied can be added to a new measurement
    • Measurements is also a selectable module within the job of the product itself
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  2.  Once you've applied a template and made any modifications (adding additional points of measure, removing points of measure) you can further modify the grading
    • Adjusting values
    • Setting, Assigning, and Clearing sample sizes


Measurements are utilized to set the grading for your garment and by default are made visible on your Tech Pack:

Measurements are also utilized in the Sync Quality Audits module for sending and recording sample and fit checks from your vendors, contractors, and sewers: