This article outlines the steps to ‘Create QA Templates’
1. From the Sync Home Page, Click on the ‘File’ Icon
2. Click on ‘Admin Portal’
3. In the ‘Search Panel’, enter ‘QA Templates’
4. Click on ‘QA Templates’
Create a Template Name
1. Click on the ‘Add’ Icon, i.e. Green +
2. Capture a ‘Template Name’
3. Capture a ‘Style’ Code
4. Drop down within the ‘Special Instructions’ Field and if required capture instructions, Click “Ok’
5. Drop down within the ‘Comment’ Field and if required capture comments, Click “Ok’
The ‘Special Instructions’ and ‘Comment’ field will populate an ‘A’ in blue to highlight that an instruction or comment has been added.
Add QA Specifications (Measurement Points) to the Template
1. Click on the ‘Add’ Icon, i.e. Green +
2. Within the ‘Specification Modules’ Window, Click on ‘Find’
3. Enter Module Name e.g. Tee
4. Click on the ‘Sub-Module’
5. Multi Select Measurements i.e. Hold Shift Down & Select using the down arrow on your keyboard
6. Click ‘Accept’
Add Sizes
1. Click on the ‘Add Size’ Icon
2. Within the ‘Size Picker’ Window, capture Size and Click Find
3. Select Size
4. Repeat Step 2 & 3 for all sizes that need to be added to the template
5. Click ‘Ok’
Set Sample Size
1. Right Click on the Size that is the sample and select ‘Set as Sample Size’
Assign Sizes to the Sample Size
1. Right Click on each size and select ‘ Assign to Sample Size’
Add Sample Size Measurements
1. For each measurement point, capture the measurement within the ‘Sample Size’
Add Grading
1. For each size other than the ‘Sample Size’, add the grading
Check Absolute Values
1. To view ‘Absolute Values’, Click on ‘Absolute Values’
Set Tolerance and Flag Measurements as ‘NB’
1. If required, capture a ‘Tolerance’ against each measurement point
2. If required, tick the ‘NB’ Field to flag a measurement as NB
Add an Image to the Template
1. Within the image section, click on the ‘Add Icon’, i.e. Green +
2. Browse to the image that you need to add
3. Select Image and Click ‘Open’
4. If required, add a ‘Caption’, ‘Category’ or ‘Comment’
5. Click ‘Ok’
NB. For a quick tutorial watch below