To import cost sub types, you will need to fill in the template CSV document “Cost Sub Type Import Template”.
The essential columns and their descriptions are as follows:
- Active – Marks the sub type as active
- Active markup – Marks the sub type as having a markup if set to True
- MinQty – This is the minimum quantity allowed to be added to a job, can be 0.
- Markup – This is the markup percentage for the sub type.
- UnitCost – this is the cost to the business of 1 unit of the sub type as purchased from the supplier
- ExRate – Exchange rate if using a foreign currency.
- RetailSP – This is the retail selling price of the item, not required.
- UnitSellingPrice - This is the wholesale selling price of the item, not required.
- VendorID – This is the supplier of the item. The full name of the vendor will need to be entered exactly as it appears in Sync.
- ColourID – The full colour name of the sub type will need to be entered exactly as it appears in Sync.
- CurrencyID – The currency code (ZAR or USD) will need to be entered exactly as it appears in Sync.
- CNTypeID – This is the Type of item that the sub type falls under, e.g. Stock, Shipping, Gift Card.
- Date – This is the date the sub type is added.
- Code – This is the code of the sub type you wish to enter.
- Description – This is the description of the sub type you wish to enter.
- CostSubTypeID – This is the main Cost Type that the sub type will be appear under. The full Cost Type name will need to be entered exactly as it appears in Sync.
- UnitType – This can be Meters, Units, Kg, or Pounds.
- User Defined Fields (UDF1-UDF10) – These are custom fields and can be any text or number as defined in Sync. These are not required.
To complete the import, navigate to Administration->Cost Types and select the Import button.
Then select Browse and choose the CSV file to import.
If all is in order, click Start and the cost sub types will be imported.
After the sub types have been imported, images can be assigned to them by double clicking on a cost sub type and selecting the “+” under the Image section: