The article outlines the steps required to a new bin location to an existing Map in Sync.
Only users with the relevant permissions will be able to access this functionality.
1. Navigate to Administration --> Warehouses --> Designer
2. Select the relevant Warehouse and Map [This area will display the existing layout with relevant locations]
3. Hit the green '+' Icon to insert a single location. This can be renamed in the "Name" block and be dragged to the relevant spot and resized on the layout it should be.
If more than 1 location is being added, this can be imported from an excel document.
1. Set up the layout of the locations being imported in excel. Each cell would be its on location and needs to have a border
around the cell.
2. Select all locations to import on the excel document and copy it.
3. Click Import in Sync Warehouse Designer
4. Select the desired configuration for the import.
Padding describes the X and Y Co-Ordinate the first location will start at.
Size determines the length and width of the bin location block.
Spacing determines the space entered between each location imported.
5. Click Ok