This article outlines the steps to ‘Create a New Inbound Shipment’ for Finished Goods.
1. From the Sync Toolbar, Click on ‘Product Stock’
2. Click on ‘In Ship’, this will open a ‘New Inbound Shipment Window’
3. Within the new ‘Inbound Shipment Window’, complete all the required/dropdown fields
4. Click ‘Ok’
5. Within the Shipment Header, add a ‘Comment’ if Required
6. Navigate into the ‘Containers’ Section
7. Click on the Edit i.e. Pencil icon to add Container Details
8. Within the ‘Container’ Window capture the Container Number, Seal and Reference
9. Click Ok, or ‘Ok and New’ to add an additional Container
10. Navigate into the ‘PPO Item Picker’ Section to Search for and Select PPO’s that need to be added to the Container/Shipment
11. Select an Applicable Filter e.g. PPO Number
12. Enter Search Criteria and Click ‘Search’
13. Tick the ‘In Ship’ Block next to the PPO/s you need to add to the container or Drag and Drop PPO’s into the container
14. Navigate back into the ‘Container’ section and if required amend the units that are being shipped within the ‘This Shipment Field’
15. If required, click on the ‘Attachments’ tab to add any shipping documents to the Shipment
16. Click on ‘Status’ and change the status of the Shipment to the first applicable status, e.g. Open or In Transit
17. When Prompted, select ‘Yes’ to change the status
18. Click on ‘Print’ to generate an ‘In Bound Shipment’ Report
NB. For a quick tutorial watch below