This article outlines the steps to complete a Location Transfer using the Android Scanner App. This feature may be used if you GRV into one location e.g. ‘Receiving’ and later want to move finished goods into specific locations. You may also use this if you a simply moving finished goods around within your Warehouse




1. From the Sync Scanner App, Click on Multiple Location Transfer

2. Scan/Select the ‘From Location’

3. Scan the Item/s to be Transferred 

4. If required, tap on the item/s and Select manual pick to manually enter ‘Units’ to be transferred

5. Enter ‘Max Units’ and Click the ‘Green Tick’

4. Navigate into the ‘Transfer To’ Tab and Scan/Select the Location Items will be Transferred to

5. Scan the Items to be Transferred

6. Click on the ‘Tick’ on the Top Right Corner

7. Capture a 'Description'

8. Click 'Ok'

9. Capture a 'Comment'

10. Click 'Ok'

11. When prompted, Click 'Yes' to 'Complete this Bin Transfer'


NB. For a quick tutorial watch below