The article outlines the steps to set the Reject Rate of a Job via the Job Costing Window.




  1. From the Homepage, click 'Search'.
  2. Select 'Jobs'.
  3. Enter the search criteria, e.g.,  Job # or PO #.
  4. Click 'Search'.
  5. Select the appropriate job.
  6. Move the Job into an editable status.
  7. Click on the 'Summary' Tab.
  8. Amend the Reject Rate as needed.
  9. Refresh the page to see the changes.


The default Reject Rate is set as a business rule which will affect all jobs that are created going forward.Existing jobs will not be affected by the default reject rate changing.Duplicated Jobs will use the reject rate of the 'source' job and not the default reject rate.

NB. For a quick tutorial watch below