The article outlines the steps to create a buffer order.
- From the Homepage, click 'Search'.
- Select 'Jobs'.
- Enter the search criteria, e.g., Job # or PO #.
- Click 'Search'.
- Click on the 'Products' tab.
- In the Sales Order Pane, click 'Add Buffer Order'.
- Click 'Ok' to add the Buffer Order.
- Right click on the Buffer Order and click 'Edit Item'
- Add the units here.
- Reject Rate will auto-adjust the units.
- When satisfied, move Buffer Order to 'Approved'.
Default reject rate will only reflect on the buffer order if the below conditions are met:
- Default reject rate is set on the business rule default_job_reject_rate
- Business rule default_buffer_order_add_rejects is set to true
Sync rounds to the nearest whole number when calculating reject units.
NB. For a quick tutorial watch below