The article outlines the steps to create a buffer order. 



  1. From the Homepage, click 'Search'.
  2. Select 'Jobs'.
  3. Enter the search criteria, e.g.,  Job # or PO #.
  4. Click 'Search'.
  5. Click on the 'Products' tab.
  6. In the Sales Order Pane, click 'Add Buffer Order'.
  7. Click 'Ok' to add the Buffer Order.
  8. Right click on the Buffer Order and click 'Edit Item'
  9. Add the units here.
  10. Reject Rate will auto-adjust the units.
  11. When satisfied, move Buffer Order to 'Approved'.


Default reject rate will only reflect on the buffer order if the below conditions are met:

  • Default reject rate is set on the business rule default_job_reject_rate
  • Business rule default_buffer_order_add_rejects is set to true

Sync rounds to the nearest whole number when calculating reject units.

NB. For a quick tutorial watch below