The article outlines the steps amend a Vendor within the ‘Admin Portal’ of Sync. If any details relating t to the Vendor has changed, for e.g. their payment terms, you may need to edit that Vendor. Note that you are able to edit any of the Vendor fields. Also note that you will require permission to access the ‘Admin Portal’ of Sync. 




1. From within the Sync Home Screen, click on the ‘File’ Icon

2. Select ‘Admin Portal’

3. Click into the  ‘Search’ field and capture Vendor

4. Select Vendor

5. If required select a search criteria e.g. Fabric

6. Capture Search Criteria and click ‘Search’

7. Click on the ‘Edit’ Icon 

8. Amend the fields that need to be updated

9. Click ‘Close’


NB. For a quick tutorial watch below