The article outlines the steps to create a ‘Sales Order’ from within ‘Product Costing. 




1. Click on ‘Product Costing’

2. Apply filers and Select a Search Criteria

3. Capture a Search Criteria and Click ‘Search’

4. Right Click on the Style you need to add a Sales Order against

5. Select ‘Create SO’

6. Within the ‘Sales Order Draft’ window, Select ‘Customer’

7. Select ‘Rep’

8. Capture a ‘PO Number’

9. Capture required ‘Delivery Date’ and ‘End Date’

10. Click ‘Ok

11. If required capture a ‘Comment’ and ‘Special Instruction’

12. Click on the minimise icon to minimise the ‘Sales Order Details’

13. Click on the ‘Edit’ icon i.e. Pencil to open the ‘Sales Order Item’

14. Check ‘Selling Price’ and capture SP if required

15. Add ‘Units’

16. ‘Close’

17. Click on ‘Status’ and change the Sales Order Status

18. Click on ‘Print’ to print a Sales Order Report 

19. Close