Sync enables the functionality to import Jobs/Styles into Sync from a CSV Template. Provided the required details on the CSV Template match data in Sync, e.g. Products, Colour, Vendor, it is a seamless process to easily import multiple Styles. The styles will be imported as new ‘Cost Sheets’. This article will outline the steps to import into Sync using a CSV Template
IMPORTANT: The style importer allows for the inclusion of barcodes in the extract. The format of the size columns is as follows: ‘Size’:’Units’:’Barcode’
EG: XL:15:6900172546481
1. Set up the CSV Template in preparation for Importing into Sync. The JobID column for each style will be listed numerically as -1, -2 etc. for every row and the columns that you need to ensure match data on Sync is as follows:
- Division
- Status : This will always be Cost Sheet
- Job Customer
- JobVar1 i.e. 'JobVar' is a variable field. e.g. Department
- JobVar2
- JobVar3
- JobVar4
- Product Colour
- Product Type
- FGCostType e.g. Import
- FGCostSubType e.g. Shirt
- FGColour
- FGUnitType e.g. Units
- FGUnits : This will always be 1
- FGIsEstimate : TRUE/FALSE – This means the cost is an estimate
- FGCurrencyID e.g. USD
- S1,S2,S3 : These are sizes e.g. S,M,L
2. From within ‘Product Costing’, right click and select ‘Import’
3. Click ‘Browse’ to browse to the CSV Template
4. Select Template and Click ‘Open’
5. Once the file has ‘Parsed’, Click ‘Start’ to import.
NB. For a quick tutorial watch below