The article outlines the steps required to duplicate costs from an existing product.




  1. Within Product Costing, search for the relevant Job/Style and ensure it is in an ‘Unlocked’ status. E.g. ‘Editing’
  2. Click on the Job/Style or Product you need to duplicate an costs within
  3. Click on ‘Details’
  4. Click on the ‘Product Cost’ Tab
  5. Right Click within the Product Cost Section and select ‘Duplicate From Existing Product’ 
  6. Within the ‘Search Jobs’ Window, enter a search criteria for the Job/Style you will be duplicating Costs from
  7. Select the Job/Style which will then open ‘Duplicate Product Cost’ Window
  8. You can ‘Duplicate all Costs’ or ‘Duplicate Selected Costs’
  9. If you ‘Duplicate Selected Costs’, click on the costs you want to duplicate then click 'Ok'


NB. For a quick tutorial watch below