This article shows you how to add sizes to a locked Job. Locked means that the Job or style is in a status where it cannot be edited. Note however that the ability to ‘Unlock’ or move a Job into an editable Job status is based on your permission. 




1. From withing ‘Product Costing’, right click on the Job/Style you need to add a size/s to and select ‘Change Status’

2. Select the applicable status that ‘Unlocks’ the Job e.g. ‘Editing’

3. Right click on the Job/Style and select ‘Edit Sizes/Units’

4. Within the ‘Job Size Matrix’ Window, select the Size you need to add from the Size Dropdown field

5. Once the size is selected, ‘Click’ Close

6. Change the Job status back to its ‘Locked’ status. Steps 1-2


NB. For a quick tutorial watch below