To print labels directly from Sync, you need to set which label printer you are printing to.

You will need both the name of your own PC as well as the name of the printer you wish to connect to.

1To identify the name of your PC, go to: 

Settings->System->About->Device Name


To identify the name of your PC, go to: 

Settings->Devices->Scanners & Printers

  • Find & select the printer from your list of printers, and click "Manage"
  • Then click "Printer Properties" and go to the Sharing tab
  • Ensure that "Share this printer" is ticked
  • The "Share name" is the printer name


3To set this printer as the default label printer in sync, go to: Tools->Set Label Printer 
  • Enter your PC name and the printer name in the following format:

    \\desktop name\printer name

  • Click Accept

  • Note: 'remote' should be unchecked