The article outlines the steps on how to us the Sync data utility- Sales Order Importer



The Sales Order Importer and relevant templates will need to be setup and configured by Sync support.  


Before users are able to make use of the SO importer 1 or more templates will be required to be configured

  • Templates will be configured to match the content and structure of your source data as closely as possible
  • Templates must include the below fields or the import will fail:
    • Customer
    • Job product ID or UPC
    • Units per size


 The data utility will need to be installed onto user's PCs by Sync Support on request.

Importing Sales Orders:

  1. Login to the data utility application via your Sync login credentials
  2. Navigate to Sales Orders-> Bulk Importer-> Import data
  3. Once you have clicked on Import Data you will see the below screen, now to create a template file to populate click on "Create Template File" to generate an excel spread sheet to populate with your relevant Sales Orders.
  4. Once you have populated your template file you will now need to import your data into the data utility. To do this click the "Import Sales Order Details" button.
  5. Once your sales orders/ Sale order lines have been imported successfully click create Sales Orders to create the Sales Orders in Sync


The utility allows you to create multiple sales orders from a single input file. You must specify per template what the rules are for splitting lines into unique orders. The default is 1 SO per unique customer & PO number in the input file.

Additional Notes:

  • Selling price: If selling price is not indicated, then the default SP for that job product will be added to the SO. If selling price is included, then this will be used in SO creation

  • Delivery Dates: if not specified in the template/input file, then start & end date will default to today

  • SO Type: You must specify in set up config the preferred default SO Type

  • SO Status: You must specify in set up config what default SO Status the SOs are created in