The article outlines the steps to insert or update barcodes via the Sync Studio tool.
1. Open Sync Studio in your web browser
2. Click on X-References
3. Select New Export
4. Specify division, season, department, category, class...
5. Click export
6. Open the exported xlsx file on your PC
7. Filter and delete rows you do not need to insert/ update (do not delete any columns)
8. Insert correct barcode in the UPC column
- Do not delete any columns
- The below columns MUST be populated
- XReferenceItemId can be imported as 0
- JobProductSkuDetailId can be imported as 0
- JobNumber must match Sync job
- Style: must match Sync style
- Colour: must match Sync colour name
- Size: must match sync size
- Customer: must match Sync customer
- Item UPC: new or updated SKU
- Ratio should be 1 (unless updating for xreferences with multiple products)
- UnitPrice can be imported as 0, but is required (unless updating for xreferences then indicate actual reference price)
9. Check all lines are correct & save the file
10. Click New Import in Sync Studio
11. Choose the correct saved file
12. If incorrect click Delete and fix your template
12. If correct click Process
*it is recommended to spot check a few Styles in Sync to ensure barcodes are correct.
NB. For a quick tutorial watch below