1: Downloads:

Use the relevant Sync7 download link in order to download the correct Sync7 instance on machine. 

Please use the below link to download Crystal which will allow reports to run:


2: Sync Install:

Open the setup file that was downloaded from the download link.

When prompted, you will need to select Install or Run Anyway depending on which screen pops up when opening file.

3: Crystal Install:

After downloading the crystal install file, open this file.

After opening click 'Next'.

After this, click I accept and continue to click Next until the install starts.

If a Windows Notification window pops up, either enter credentials and click Yes or click Yes if no credentials are needed.

4: Updating Regional Settings

Open Windows Search bar and type in "Control Panel" and open the control panel for windows.

Open Clock and Region->Change date, time or number formats in Control Panel.

Please ensure the Language is set to English (South Africa) and the Short Date is set to yyyy/MM/dd.

Then click on "Additional Settings".

Please ensure the following settings reflect:


  • Decimal Symbol: Full Stop
  • Digit Grouping Symbol: Comma
  • List Separator: Comma


  • Decimal Symbol: Full Stop
  • Digit Grouping Symbol: Comma

Please ensure you apply and click OK on all pages before closing.