The article outlines the steps on how to use Sync Studio Image Uploader.
1. Login using your Sync login details.
2. Navigate to the images tab by clicking the "Images" button or the "Upload images and quickly link to jobs" tile.(Previously uploaded images should be displayed here)
3. To Upload new images click the "upload images" button
4. This prompt will appear click "Choose Images" button:
5. Navigate to the directory containing the images and select all the images you would like to upload and click "Open", a new prompt will pop up showing the progress of the upload for each image being uploaded.
6. Once the upload is complete all images which were successfully uploaded will now appear under the images tab. Now you may link images to jobs by clicking the "Auto Link" button (See important notes below) or by clicking the link button (See important notes below) under the image you would like to link.
7. Click save links to commit images to a job link.
8. You may also delete all images uploaded to Sync studio by clicking the delete all button or delete specific images by clicking the delete button underneath the image
9. Upon clicking save links you may save the image to the job or the job products associated with the job or both.
9. To log out click the cogwheel and select Log Out.
Important Notes:
- Auto Linking:
- Auto linking allows you to link all images currently uploaded to a Job and Job products based on the image file name i.e. based on Job number or Style Number and Colour name or colour code separated by a field separator NB. you may also only link on one of these.
- You may also filter which jobs are searched for by unselecting the divisions and seasons you would like to exclude from the linking search.
- Images that are successfully linked to a job will be given the "Linked" tag and how many jobs were linked. Images that were unsuccessful will be given the "Unlinked" tag.
- Auto linking allows you to link all images currently uploaded to a Job and Job products based on the image file name i.e. based on Job number or Style Number and Colour name or colour code separated by a field separator NB. you may also only link on one of these.
- Manual Linking:
- This will prompt you to search and select a Job or Jobs to link the image to.
- This will prompt you to search and select a Job or Jobs to link the image to.