This article outlines the steps to a ‘Product Stock Adjustment’, using the Android Scanner App
1. From within the app, click on ‘Adjustments’
2. Select In or Out
3. Scan Item to be adjusted or Click on ‘Good Only’, ‘Reject Only’ or ‘All’ to bring up Product Stock Items
4. If manually searching for an item to adjust, Click on the ‘Search’ Icon
5. Enter search criteria i.e. Style, Description, Stock or SKU
6. Click ‘Search’
7. Tap on Size/Item to be adjusted and Capture units to be adjusted
8. Tap the Green Tick Icon
9. Click on ‘Choose Location’
10. Select Warehouse Location and Tap the Green Tick Icon
11. Navigate into the Summary Tab
12. Select a ‘Reason’ for the adjustment
13. If required capture a ‘Backdate’
14. Select a Customer or Vendor that the item/s is being adjusted in/out to/from
15. Add a ‘Comment’
16. Click on the ‘Tick Icon’ and when prompted Select ‘Yes’ to Complete Adjustment
NB. For a quick tutorial watch below