- Overview
- Item Catalogue
- Warehouse Shipping Order
- Warehouse Shipping Advice
- Inbound Return Authorization
- Outbound Return Authorization
- Return Authorization Receipt Advice
- Purchase Order
- Inventory Receipt Advice
- Inventory Adjustment Advice
- Transfer Shipment Order
- Transfer Shipment Advice
- Transfer Shipment Receipt Advice
Document List – Minimum Requirements
Document | Description |
Item Catalogue | The Item Catalogue details the items and quantities on hand of products in Sync. This document is at the SKU level with the UPC element the unique identifier. Purpose: to provide product item information to 3PL so they can capture new products into their system Direction: Sync sends to 3PL |
Purchase Order | The Purchase Order details the items and quantities placed on a purchase order in Sync. Purpose: to provide advanced notice to the 3PL of what inventory is expected to arrive & thereafter for the 3PL to receive against Direction: Sync sends to 3PL |
Inventory Receipt Advice | The Inventory Receipt Advice details a summary of the items and quantities that were received against a Purchase Order. Purpose: to provide a notification to Sync of the physical inventory received by the 3PL. Direction: 3PL sends to Sync |
Warehouse Shipping Order | The Warehouse Shipping Order details the items, quantities, and shipping info from a Pick Ticket in Sync. Purpose: to provide a picking instruction to the 3PL Direction: Sync sends to 3PL |
Warehouse Shipping Advice | The Warehouse Shipping Advice details the items, quantities and shipping info that was shipped against a Warehouse Shipping Order. Purpose: to provide a confirmation of the inventory shipped by the 3PL Direction: 3PL sends to Sync |
Inventory Adjustment Advice | The Inventory Adjustment Advice details a summary of the items and quantities that were adjusted. Purpose: to provide an update of any inventory adjustments from stock takes or recounts Direction: 3PL sends to Sync |
Document List - Recommended
Document | Description |
Outbound Return Authorization | The Outbound Return Authorization is an expected return that originates from Sync and details the items and quantities expected to be received. Purpose: Notice to 3PL of a return that is expected to arrive at their warehouse Direction: Sync sends to 3PL |
Return Authorization Receipt Advice | The Return Authorization Receipt Advice details the items and quantities that were received against an Outbound Return Authorization Purpose: to provide a notification to Sync of the physical inventory received by the 3PL for the return Direction: 3PL sends to Sync |
Inbound Return Authorization | The Inbound Return Authorization is return that originates from the 3PL and details the items and quantities that was returned to the warehouse. Purpose: 3PL initiates a return based off receiving inventory (without any preceding notification by Sync) Direction: 3PL sends to Sync |
Document List – Use case specific- normally not required
Document | Description |
Transfer Shipment Order | The transfer shipment order details items, quantities, and shipping info from a Warehouse transfer in Sync Direction: Sync sends to 3PL |
Transfer Shipment Advice | The transfer shipment advice details items and quantities shipped against a transfer shipment order Direction: 3PL sends to Sync |
Transfer Shipment Receipt Advice | The transfer shipment receipt advice details items and quantities received against a transfer shipment Direction: 3PL sends to Sync |
File Transfer Process
The integration process uses FTP to transfer the files between parties.
The folder structure on the FTP site is as follows:
--FromSync --ToSync
Files outbound from Sync to 3PL will be saved into the FromSync folder.
Files inbound from 3PL to Sync will be saved into the ToSync folder.
File Formats
The WMS integrator supports two types of files formats. The XML and CSV format. There are some limitations to the CSV format. The CSV does not allow for totals segments and must contain one transaction per document. The preferred file format is XML. When one format is selected all the files that will be transferred and received will be in the same format.
Item Catalogue
XML Field | Required | Description | Data Source |
DepositorCode | Yes | Client code | |
Type | Yes | Type of document; - Full Item Detail - File contains entire catalogue | |
Date | Yes | Data file generated | |
Time | Yes | Time file generated | |
Items | |||
UPC | Yes | UPC of Item | Sync UPC |
ProductCode | Yes | Product code of item | Sync Product Number |
ProductDescription | Yes | Free text description of item | Sync Product Description |
Category | Yes | Free text category of item | Sync Product Category |
ColorCode | Yes | Color code of item | Sync Color Code |
ColorDescription | Yes | Free text color of item | Sync Color |
SizeCode | Yes | Size code of item | Sync Size Code |
SizeDescription | Yes | Free text size of item | Sync Size |
ItemReference1 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. | |
ItemReference2 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. | |
ItemReference3 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
Warehouse Shipping Order
Please note if the CSV file format has been selected, the totals segment should not be included.
XML Field | Required | Description | Data Source |
DepositorCode | Yes | Client Code | |
DepositorOrderNumber | Yes | Unique ID for each Order Shipment, used to link the Warehouse Shipping Order and Warehouse Shipping Advice | Pick Ticket # |
Type | No | Type of shipment order | |
PurchaseOrderNumber | No | Customer purchase order # | Sales order PO number |
PurchaseOrderDate | Yes | Date of customer purchase order | Sales order created date |
RequestedShipDate | No | Requested Ship Date/Pick-up Date | Pick ticket created date |
RequestedDeliveryDate | Yes | Delivery Requested on This Date | Sales order due date |
Reference1 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. | |
Reference2 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. | |
Reference3 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. | |
Reference4 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. | |
Reference5 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. | |
Comment | No | Additional Comments | Pick ticket comment |
ShipToCode | Conditional | Code field designating your Ship To customer – if relevant; this is an optional function for Prepaid and 3rd Party Freight Charges; Orders with Collect Freight Charges Require a pre‐established Ship to Code; 10-character code | |
ShipToCompany | No | Shipping address company | |
ShipToName | Yes | Person or company; if person must by a FULL NAME - First and Last | |
ShipToAddr1 | Yes | Shipping address line 1 | |
ShipToAddr2 | No | Shipping address line 2 | |
ShipToCity | Yes | Shipping address zip code | |
ShipToState | Yes | Shipping address country code | |
ShipToCountry | Yes | Requested ship from warehouse code | |
ShipFromCode | No | Requested ship from warehouse name | Shipment carrier |
ShipFromName | No | Requested carrier name | Shipment carrier |
ShipmentServiceCode | No | Requested delivery service code | Shipment delivery Method |
ShipmentServiceName | No | Requested delivery service name | Shipment delivery Method |
MethodOfPayment | Yes | Freight Charges will be paid; CC-Collect PP-Prepaid by Seller BP-Paid by Buyer TP-Third Party | |
BillToCode | Conditional | Required for Third Party Freight Charges; 10-character code | |
BillToName | No | Billing address full name | |
BillToAddr1 | No | Billing address line 1 | |
BillToAddr2 | No | Billing address line2 | |
BillToCity | No | Billing address city | |
BillToState | No | Billing address state/province code | |
BillToZip | No | Billing address zip code | |
BillToCountry | No | Billing address country code | |
LineItems | |||
ShipmentOrderItemId | Yes | Identifier for shipment order line | |
ProductCode | Yes | Item product code | Sync Product Number |
UPC | Yes | Item UPC | Sync UPC |
ProductDescription | No | Item free text description | Style + ColourCode + Size |
OrderedQty | Yes | Quantity ordered for the specific line; decimal | Picked Line Qty |
OrderedQtyUOM | Yes | Unit of Measure for Item | |
UnitPrice | No | Unit price of order line item | Sales Order Selling Price |
LineReference1 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. | |
LineReference2 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. | |
LineReference3 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. | |
Totals | |||
LineItems | No | Count of LineItem elements | |
OrderedQty | No | Sum of OrderedQty from all LineItem elements | |
OrderedGrossValue | No | Sum of OrderedQty * UnitPrice from all LineItem elements |
Warehouse Shipping Advice
XML Field | Required | Description |
DepositorCode | Yes | Client code; 3-character code |
ShipmentOrderStatus | No | Status of shipment order - Shipped: Order has been shipped - Cancelled: Order has been cancelled |
ShipmentNumber | Yes | 3PL assigned unique shipment number |
ShipDate | No | Shipment date |
ExpectedDeliveryDate | No | Shipment expected delivery date |
BillOfLadingNumber | No | Shipment bill of lading number |
CarrierProNumber | No | Shipment PRO/tracking number |
DepositorOrderNumber | Yes | Unique ID for shipment order, used to link back to document |
PurchaseOrderNumber | No | Customer purchase order # |
PurchaseOrderDate | No | Date of customer purchase order |
CancelDate | No | Cancelled date |
Reference1 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
Reference2 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
Reference3 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
Reference4 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
Reference5 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
Comments | No | Additional comments |
ShipToCode | Conditional | Code field designating your Ship To customer – if relevant; this is an optional function for Prepaid and 3rd Party Freight Charges; Orders with Collect Freight Charges Require a pre‐established Ship to Code; 10-character code |
ShipToName | Yes | Person or Company; if person must be a FULL NAME - First and Last |
ShipToAddr1 | Yes | Shipping address line 1 |
ShipToAddr2 | No | Shipping address line 2 |
ShipToCity | Yes | Shipping address city |
ShipToState | Yes | Shipping address state/province code |
ShipToZip | Yes | Shipping address zip code |
ShipToCountry | Yes | Shipping address country code |
ShipFromCode | Yes | Warehouse Code 5-character text field |
ShipFromName | Yes | Warehouse Name 30-characters text field |
StandardCarrierAlphaCode | Yes | Designates the Carrier to deliver the shipment; 10-character code |
CarrierName | Yes | Carrier Name will return based on Carrier Code; 30-character text field |
ShipmentServiceCode | Yes | Designates the specific service to be used to deliver the order; 10-character code |
ShipmentServiceName | Yes | Designates the specific service to be used to deliver the order |
MethodOfPayment | Yes | Freight Charges will be paid; CC-Collect PP-Prepaid by Seller BP-Paid by Buyer TP-Third Party |
BillToCode | Conditional | Required for Third Party Freight Charges; 10 characters |
BillToName | No | Billing address full name |
BillToAddr1 | No | Billing address line 1 |
BillToAddr2 | No | Billing address line 2 |
BillToCity | No | Billing address city |
BillToState | No | Billing address state/province code |
BillToZip | No | Billing address zip code |
FreightCost | Yes | Freight Cost |
Weight | Yes | Total Weight of shipment |
WeightUOM | Yes | KG = Kilograms, LB = Pounds |
Volume | Yes | Total Volume of shipment |
VolumeUOM | Yes | CR = Cubic Meter, CF= Cubic Feet |
Packs | ||
SSCC | No | Serial Shipping Container Code |
TrackingNumber | No | Tracking number from carrier |
Height | No | Height of pack |
Width | No | Width of pack |
Length | No | Length of pack |
DimensionUOM | No | UOM for Height, Width and Length. CM = Centimeters IN = Inches |
Weight | No | Weight of pack |
WeightUOM | No | UOM for Weight. KG = Kilograms, LB = Pounds |
Items | ||
ProductCode | Yes | Item product code |
UPC | Yes | Item UPC |
ProductDescription | No | Item free text description |
OrderedQty | Yes | Quantity ordered for the specific item / order line; decimal |
OrderedQtyUOM | Yes | |
ShippedQty | Yes | Quantity Shipped |
ShippedQtyUOM | Yes | |
LineReference1 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
LineReference2 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
LineReference3 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
Inbound Return Authorization
XML Field | Required | Description |
DepositorCode | Yes | Client Code |
DepositorOrderNumber | Yes | Order number of the Warehouse Shipment Order |
PurchaseOrderNumber | No | Purchase order number of sales order in sync |
Reference | Yes | 3PL assigned unique identifier of return authorization |
ReturnDate | Yes | Date and time of return |
Comments | No | Additional Comments |
Items | ||
ItemTypeCode | No | Defines the item type. Defaulted to 0 if omitted. Codes > 0 are used to define non-inventory items, such as shipping charges, handling fees or discounts. Codes provided separately |
ProductCode | No | Item product code |
UPC | Conditional | Item UPC, not required for non-inventory items |
ProductDescription | No | Item free text description |
ReturnedQty | Yes | Quantity returns |
ReturnedQtyUOM | Yes | Unit of measure of quantity returned |
ReceivingConditionCode | Yes | Code indicating condition of inventory 00-Good 01-Damaged/Quality Problem/Reject |
UnitPrice | Conditional | Required if ItemTypeCode code is not 0 |
ItemReference1 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
ItemReference2 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
ItemReference3 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
Outbound Return Authorization
XML Field | Required | Description |
DepositorCode | Yes | Client Code |
ReturnAuthorizationNumber | Yes | Number of the return authorization in Sync |
ReturnDate | Yes | Date and time of return authorization |
PurchaseOrderNumber | Conditional | Purchase order number of sales order in sync |
Reference1 | No | Additional configurable reference |
Reference2 | No | Additional configurable reference |
Reference3 | No | Additional configurable reference |
Reference4 | No | Additional configurable reference |
Reference5 | No | Additional configurable reference |
Comments | No | Additional Comments |
Items | ||
ItemTypeCode | No | Defines the item type. Codes > 0 are used to define non-inventory items, such as shipping charges, handling fees or discounts. Codes provided separately |
ProductCode | No | Item product code |
UPC | Conditional | Item UPC, not required for non-inventory items |
ProductDescription | No | Item free text description |
ReturnedQty | Yes | Quantity returns |
ReturnedQtyUOM | Yes | Unit of measure of quantity returned |
ReceivingConditionCode | Yes | Code indicating condition of inventory 00-Good 01-Damaged/Quality Problem/Reject |
ReturnReasonCode | No | Reason code for the return |
UnitPrice | Conditional | Required if ItemTypeCode code is not 0 |
ItemReference1 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
ItemReference2 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
ItemReference3 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
Return Authorization Receipt Advice
XML Field | Required | Description |
DepositorCode | Yes | Client Code |
ReturnAuthorizationNumber | Yes | Authorization number of original Outbound Return Authorization |
ReceiptDate | Yes | Date and time of return receipt |
Reference1 | Yes | Additional Reference |
Items | ||
ProductCode | No | Item product code |
UPC | Yes | Item UPC |
ProductDescription | No | Item free text description |
ReceivedQty | Yes | Quantity returned |
ReceivedQtyUOM | Yes | Unit of measure of quantity returned |
ReceivingConditionCode | Yes | Code indictating condition of inventory 00-Good 01-Damaged/Quality Problem/Reject |
Purchase Order
XML Field | Required | Description |
DepositorCode | Yes | Client code |
DepositorOrderNumber | Yes | Order number of Purchase Order, used to link back to document |
PurchaseOrderDate | Yes | Date of purchase order |
VendorName | Yes | Name of vendor |
WarehouseName | Yes | Name of warehouse where inventory is to be shipped to |
DueDate | No | Date purchase order is due in warehouse |
ShipDate | No | Date purchase order is due to be shipped |
Comments | No | Additional comments |
Items | ||
PurchaseOrderItemId | Yes | Purchase order item unique Id |
ProductCode | Yes | Item product code |
UPC | Yes | Item UPC |
ProductDescription | No | Item free text description |
OrderedQty | Yes | Quantity ordered |
OrderedQtyUOM | Yes | Unit of measure of quantity ordered |
ItemReference1 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
ItemReference2 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
ItemReference3 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
Inventory Receipt Advice
XML Field | Required | Description |
DepositorCode | Yes | ClientCode |
DepositorOrderNumber | Yes | Order number of Purchase Order, used to link back to document |
WarehouseReceiptNumber | Yes | 3PL assigned unique identifier of warehouse receipt |
ReceiptDate | Yes | Date and time of receipt |
WarehouseName | Yes | Name of warehouse where inventory was received |
Comments | No | Additional comments |
Items | ||
PurchaseOrderItemId | No | If sent, will be used to link back to the purchase order line item, if not, the UPC will be used |
ProductCode | Yes | Item product code |
UPC | Yes | Item UPC |
ProductDescription | No | Item free text description |
ReceivedQty | Yes | Quantity received in warehouse |
ReceivedQtyUOM | Yes | Unit of measure of quantity received |
ReceivingConditionCode | Yes | Code indicating condition of inventory 00-Good 01-Damaged/Quality Problem/Reject |
ItemReference1 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
ItemReference2 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
ItemReference3 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
Inventory Adjustment Advice
XML Field | Required | Description |
DepositorCode | Yes | Client code |
AdjustmentNumber | Yes | 3PL assigned unique identifier of the inventory adjustment |
AdjustmentDate | Yes | Date and time of adjustment |
WarehouseName | Yes | Name of warehouse where inventory was adjusted |
Comments | No | Additional comments |
AdjustmentReason | No | Reason for the adjustment |
Item | ||
ProductCode | Yes | Item UPC |
UPC | Yes | Item product code |
ProductDescription | No | Item free text description |
AdjustedQty | Yes | Quantity adjusted |
AdjustedQtyUOM | Yes | Unit of measure of quantity adjusted |
ItemReference1 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
ItemReference2 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
ItemReference3 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
Transfer Shipment Order
XML Field | Required | Description |
DepositorCode | Yes | Client code |
DepositorOrderNumber | Yes | Transfer order number, used to link back to the transfer shipment |
Reference1 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
Reference2 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
Reference3 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
Reference4 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
Reference5 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
Comments | No | Additional comments |
ShipToCode | No | Code identifying the ship to location |
ShipToCompany | No | Ship to company |
ShipToName | No | Ship to full name |
ShipToEmail | No | Ship to email |
ShipToPhone | No | Ship to phone |
ShipToAddr1 | No | Shipping address line 1 |
ShipToAddr2 | No | Shipping address line 2 |
ShipToCity | No | Shipping address city |
ShipToState | No | Shipping address state/province ode |
ShipToZip | No | Shipping address zip code |
ShipToCountry | No | Shipping address country code |
ShipFromCode | No | Requested ship from warehouse code |
ShipFromName | No | Requested ship from warehouse name |
LineItems | ||
ProductCode | Yes | Item UPC |
UPC | Yes | Item product code |
ProductDescription | No | Item free text description |
TransferredQty | Yes | Quantity transferred |
TransferredQtyUOM | Yes | Unit of measure of quantity |
ItemReference1 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
ItemReference2 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
ItemReference3 | No | Additional reference. 30-character text field. |
Transfer Shipment Advice
XML Field | Required | Description |
DepositorCode | Yes | Client code |
DepositorOrderNumber | Yes | Transfer order number, used to link back to the transfer order |
TransferShipmentNumber | Yes | Unique number used to identify the transfer shipment |
ShippedDate | Yes | Date of transfer shipment |
Items | ||
ProductCode | Yes | Item UPC |
UPC | Yes | Item product code |
ProductDescription | No | Item free text description |
ShippedQty | Yes | Quantity shipped |
ShippedQtyUOM | Yes | Unit of measure of quantity |
Transfer Shipment Receipt Advice
XML Field | Required | Description |
DepositorCode | Yes | Client code |
TransferShipmentOrderNumber | Yes | Transfer order number, used to link back to the original transfer order |
TransferShipmentNumber | Yes | Transfer shipment number, used to link back to the transfer shipment |
ReceiptDate | Yes | Date of transfer receipt |
Items | ||
ProductCode | Yes | Item UPC |
UPC | Yes | Item product code |
ProductDescription | No | Item free text description |
ReceivedQty | Yes | Quantity received |
ReceivedQtyUOM | Yes | Unit of measure of quantity |